Elocution and Accent Softening

Take an accent softening course to give you the clarity and confidence to win business.

“Not only she has given me the tools to improve my English pronunciation, but she has also helped me realise how much potential I have. With her coaching I now feel much more confident when speaking to people. This has made a massive difference in the way I feel about myself and this is reflected in how I now behave and conduct myself in front of others.”

- Kirsten

Potential Challenges:

✘ People are always asking me to repeat myself

✘ My ideas are great but I can't communicate them

✘ My accent is getting in the way

The Vermillion Approach:

✔ Work on your diction

✔ Strengthen your voice

✔ Soften your accent

✔ Prepare you for any questions

Why would I need elocution and accent softening?

In order for you to speak so that people will want to listen and can easily take in your message. At Vermillion we don’t want to change your accent, but work with you to make your sounds clearer.

The course could be for you if…

English is an additional language

It’s your native language, but you find that people often ask you to repeat yourself.

Many people mumble, stammer, race or freeze when they speak and all of these affect the flow of communication and how we are perceived.

Here at Vermillion we will work with you on:

  • Diction

  • Pace

  • Intonation

  • Projection

  • Control over your delivery

  • Eliminating fillers

  • Softening your accent

  • English pronunciation

We will help you feel more relaxed and confident about talking. Through breath work, and working on your pace and emphasis, you will develop your communication skills.

To work on your communication skills further look at our Effective Communication course.

We will take you through exercises and teach you techniques to work on your vowels and consonants and make your speech clear so that everyone can understand you.

Our blog offers new ideas to support your learning, improving your public speaking, delivering effective speeches, and excelling in business communication.

All our communication skills coaching, can be delivered corporately or on a 1:1 basis. It can take place face to face, in a central London location, or online, depending on your preference.

If you’d like to find out more or have any questions, check out our FAQs, drop us an email or book a free intro call.

Vermillion are pleased to partner with The Emma Dupont School of Etiquette whom we recommend to anyone seeking further specialised coaching in social integration and etiquette. This coaching can be incorporated as part of your course of sessions with Vermillion.


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