
Learn how to create a winning pitch that will bring success to your business.

“Thanks for all your help. I was using all the techniques beforehand and had my cheat sheet. I was frightened before we started but we got some great feedback; one lady said it was the best pitch she’d ever heard at an investor day!”

— George Adolphus, Zamba

Potential challenges:

✘ I am inconsistent when I pitch

✘ I leave my personality at the door

✘ I am always told to be more succinct

✘ I freeze when put on the spot

The Vermillion Approach:

✔ Develop your performance with structured rehearsal

✔ Bring out your personality through storytelling

✔ Hone your script so that it is engaging and memorable

✔ Prepare you for any questions

At Vermillion we will work with you on every stage of your pitch from scripting, visual aids, physicality and vocals. We will record you pitching, provide live feedback and provide you with an arsenal of tools to enable you to ace your pitch every time.

Our blog offers new ideas to support your learning, improving your public speaking, delivering effective speeches, and excelling in business communication.

All our communication skills coaching, can be delivered corporately or on a 1:1 basis. It can take place face to face, in a central London location, or online, depending on your preference.

If you’d like to find out more or have any questions, check out our FAQs, drop us an email or book a free intro call.


Public Speaking


Handling Difficult Conversations