Psychometric testing

Understand yourself better to enhance your communication and influence with others.

Psychometric testing at Vermillion

We offer the Hogan personality assessment, the EQ-i emotional intelligence and the Giant 5 voices training as diagnostic tools. They are based on questionnaires and our coaches will then go through the results with you.

Chat to one of the team about what you’re looking for in a personality test and they will be able to advise on which assessment is best suited to your situation.


The Hogan Assessment

The Hogan assessment is based on more than 35 years of scientific research and looks at the factors that make up our personality, when we’re at our best, and when we’re not.

However, because they assess on reputation and not identity, it is a much more reliable tool. We all have stories that we tell about ourselves and our identity is the ‘you’ that you think you are. However this is quite often inaccurate; we either exaggerate, or rubbish our abilities. Reputation on the other hand is what other people think of you, your behaviours and social skills, and it’s this that gives a more accurate picture of how you will be at work. There is also a section on values and drivers which assesses what motivates you to succeed, and in what type of position, job and environment you will thrive.



The EQ-i 2 assessment is the world’s leading measure of emotional intelligence. It applies decades of scientific research to its examination and report and establishes the client’s present performance and how to develop. It looks at the main five areas of emotional intelligence and their fifteen sub-scales and the client answers questions on how frequently they use different emotional skills; the focus being on achieving balance across the profile. The test is a snapshot of how you are using your emotional intelligence at the time you do the test.

Unlike personality assessments, such as Hogan, which don’t change much over time, emotional intelligence skills can be learned and developed.

Giant 5 Voices

The 5 Voices training is designed to help every individual discover their leadership voice and be empowered to use it effectively. Whether you know it or not, you will have a leadership voice that impacts how you communicate and how your team works. Identifying your voice enables you to play to your strengths and work on your blind spots making you the most effective leader possible.

Learning to operate securely in your own voice, and to understand the voices of your team helps everyone to thrive.


Elocution & Accent Softening