Our story

My coach nurtured me and brought out a skill I truly didn’t believe I had
— Anthony, CEO

Setting up Vermillion Coaching was inspired by my love for coaching business people to excel in their communication. I’ve worked as a coach for over twenty years and I wanted to establish a consultancy with a group of highly experienced coaches to assist clients to achieve a level of excellence in their communication, be it in their presentation skills, confident pitching or interview technique.

  • I've been a coach for the past 20 years but my background is in the performing arts. I trained as an actor and it was whilst I was performing at the Old Vic theatre in the West End that I experienced a moment as that changed my career path: I walked out on stage and I froze from stage fright. I could feel hundreds of pairs of eyes looking at me and I could not move and I did not have any idea what I was meant to be saying. The moment was only broken when the actress opposite me slapped me- fortunately it worked in the context. Immediately I was out of my head and back into the scene. It was at that moment that I realised that by shifting your mindset you could create a whole different reality, which was the spark to my career change.

    My background in acting has been a fantastic foundation to my coaching and this, together with my subsequent training in psychology and neuroscience, is really the bedrock of the Vermilion approach. Our coaching comes out of a desire to see people shine to become great communicators. Inevitably it's not just the work life that is transformed- I'm always humbled to see how clients' wider lives are also impacted by our coaching.

    Vermillion coaching brings together a group of highly experienced coaches from different areas of communication, so when you come to us you have access to this wealth of expertise. In this way we are different from other communication coaching companies. Our approach is truly bespoke for every individual and team.

Our coaches offer many different skills sets, meaning that when you come to Vermillion you have access to all of their expertise. This gives you the opportunity to create a course that is genuinely tailor-made for you, so that you can be confident that whatever your communication issue is, our coaching and training can address it.

The Vermillion Approach

Our coaching is driven by a wish to bring out the best in our clients, to help them access their authentic voice and to see them flourish with clear, confident communication.

Our mission, in coaching and in life, is to create a legacy of care – caring for each other, the work we do, and our environment.

There are 3 elements to our bespoke coaching:

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    Our coaches have a broad range of experience – Law, Psychology, the Performing Arts, film directing, voice training and creative writing. With ovr 70 years experience between them, they are all passionate about seeing their clients thrive.

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    Most of our coaches come from a performance background and are trained in behavioural psychology. We use cutting-edge scientific research to underpin all of our coaching and are trained to offer psychometric testing to individuals and teams.

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    Several heads are better than one. By working as a team and collaborating we can offer you a truly bespoke coaching experience that meets your needs and goals. Your success is central to how we design your coaching.

Proud to have helped create confident communicators with teams and individuals from:

Get in touch

Vermillion coaches have decades of experience bringing out the best in our clients. We love seeing people empowered to communicate authentically and confidently.

Book a free 15 minute call to chat to one of the team about your communication goals.