Terms & Conditions

Vermillion Coaching Ltd.
Updated: Dec 2023

The coaching schedule will be arranged between the Vermillion Coach and the client. Sessions can be booked up to 3 months in advance. The frequency of the coaching sessions will be decided between the Vermillion Coach and the client, based on the client’s requirements. This recommendation, or plan, is not binding and may be altered and adjusted throughout the coaching journey by mutual agreement, in accordance with the terms set out in this agreement.

The number and frequency of coaching sessions will be agreed at the start of coaching between the Vermillion Coach and the client, and confirmed by the Vermillion Coach by email. Where no specific number is agreed upon, sessions will be provided on a session-by-session basis.

In return for the fees payable by the client (or by a third party on their behalf), the Vermillion Coach agrees to provide the service as described below, and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below. The client agrees to pay fees for the service on the terms and conditions set out below (in situations where a third party pays the fees, the third party counts as an agent acting on behalf of the client).

The date that the first coaching session takes place shall be deemed to be the start date for the service. Where any client is unhappy with any of the terms and conditions they can contact the Vermillion Coach to discuss any concerns and see if they can be resolved before the first coaching session. Participation by any individual in the first coaching session constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.

The completion of a course of 15 sessions will be within an 18 month period from the date of the first session; a 10 session course within 12 months; and a 5-session course within 6 months.

Format of Sessions

Sessions will be face-to-face (venue by mutual agreement), or via Zoom (link to be provided by the Vermillion Coach).

The length of each session is as agreed between the Vermillion Coach and the client before the coaching sessions commence and will normally be an hour.

Session Fees

In accordance with the Vermillion Coach’s current per session fee, or fee for a programme of sessions, or any other such fee as shall be agreed and notified to the client. The Vermillion Coach will confirm the fees in writing, usually by email, unless this is impractical.

Payment for a programme of sessions is required in advance, before the first session.

Additional Sessions

The Vermillion Coach may agree to provide additional coaching sessions after completion of the initial agreed session(s). These terms and conditions will apply to any additional sessions so provided and the Per Session Fee will remain the same as originally agreed except where the Vermillion Coach notifies the client by email of a change to the Fee or to any other term or condition in accordance with the section in these terms and conditions headed “Variation of Terms and Conditions”.

Dates and Times of Sessions

The date and time of the first session and any subsequent session will be agreed between the Vermillion Coach and the client by phone or email and confirmed by the Vermillion Coach by email.

Sessions can only be rearranged in accordance with the section in these terms and conditions headed “Rearranging Sessions”.

Payment Terms

Fees can be paid online by bank transfer to Vermillion Consulting Ltd.

Where receipts are requested by the client, they will be sent by e-mail unless otherwise requested.

Fees are payable in advance of each coaching session unless otherwise agreed. Where payment has not been received by the Vermillion Coach in advance of a coaching session the Vermillion Coach is not obliged to provide the session.

Where payment is required on receipt of invoice rather than in advance, a charge may be levied for late payment.

Practising Between Sessions

The Vermillion Coach may assign the client tasks or exercises to complete between coaching sessions. There is no obligation on the client to complete these items of ‘homework’, but not doing so may slow the client’s progress in gaining the skills and desired outcome to their communication, confidence and wellbeing.

It is to be understood, that whilst the Vermillion Coach is wanting to help improve the client’s communication skills and confidence levels, the course is providing tools and techniques that need to be worked on. The sessions are the start of the client’s self-development journey, and the learning should therefore be seen to be ongoing.

The client may contact the Vermillion Coach by phone or email between sessions to seek clarification regarding anything arising from a coaching session or for administrative purposes (e.g. where a client needs to rearrange a coaching session or make a payment). Additional coaching can also be provided between sessions but there will be an additional charge for this.

The Vermillion Coach will always advise a client in advance if the nature of a client’s contact is likely to incur an additional charge and no such charges will be imposed without the client’s agreement.

Rearranging Sessions

If a client needs to rearrange a coaching session, they should provide at least 2 working days notice. For example, to rearrange a session scheduled for Monday, the client must inform the Vermillion coach no later close of business on the preceding Wednesday. No refunds will be given to clients for unused coaching sessions unless this notice has been given.

In exceptional circumstances the Vermillion Coach may need to rearrange a coaching session. In those instances the coach will also give the client 48 hours notice where practical, or work to re-schedule the session for another time.

Where a client pays for a session or sessions in advance they must have the coaching session(s) that they have paid for within 6 months of the payment or their fee is forfeited.


Personal information or business information supplied by clients in coaching sessions will be treated as confidential. It will not be disclosed to a third party without the client’s prior permission, save where required by law or where action might be necessary to prevent harm to the client or someone else.

The Coach may not disclose the full name of the Client unless the Client authorises the Coach to do so in writing or leaves a public review on the Coach’s website or related social media websites.

Liability - please read this carefully

The Client agrees to hold the Coach and its directors, agents, partners, secretaries, accountants and associates completely harmless in the event of:

  • any medical or psychological conditions being triggered or made worse as a result of receiving the Services

  • any inadvertent breach of confidentiality (in which case, the Client shall put in writing where they believe confidentiality has been breached)

  • any breach of confidentiality caused by human error, computer misuse, hacking, viruses, trojans, phishing, social engineering, or disclosure under duress; and the Services not meeting the Client’s expectations.

Early Termination

In exceptional circumstances, such as illness or unavailability due to bereavement or other commitments, inappropriate behaviour by the client, actual or potential conflict of interest, or other reasons, the Vermillion Coach can decide to terminate the service to the client early or refuse or be unable to provide further coaching sessions to the client. In such a circumstance the client will be given reasonable notice of termination by the Vermillion Coach where practicable and will be refunded any advance payments made for coaching sessions not yet provided.

Variation of Terms and Conditions

Where an Initial Number of Sessions is agreed, any changes to these terms and conditions intended to take effect prior to the conclusion of those Initial Number of Sessions will only have effect if agreed by both the Vermillion Coach and the client and confirmed by the Vermillion Coach in writing by email. In other cases, the Vermillion Coach may change any of these terms or conditions including the Per Session Fee by giving the client one week’s notice by email of the change(s). If following receipt of such notification of change, the client no longer wishes to proceed with further coaching sessions, they may withdraw from the service immediately by giving notice in writing by email and they will then be entitled to a full refund of any fees paid in advance for coaching sessions not yet provided. Such notice will be effective on receipt by the Vermillion Coach.

Governing Law

This contract is governed by the law of England whose courts have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any dispute, disagreement, proceedings or legal claim of any nature relating to the service provided or the contract.

This Coaching Agreement may be signed separately by the Client and the Coach, in which case the separate copies will together be taken as the whole Coaching Agreement.

The Coach and Client agree that this Coaching Agreement is binding.


Feedback about the service is welcomed and can be given during a coaching session, emailed to info@vermillioncoaching.com, or by writing to Kate Bowes Renna, 21 Raveley Street, London NW5 2HX.

Vermillion Coaching is continually striving to ensure the standard of service it provides to its clients remains excellent. At the end of the coaching process, or series of coaching sessions, the client will be asked to complete a feedback form and Vermillion Coaching would be grateful if these could be emailed back to Kate: kate@vermillioncoaching.com