Effective Communication

Communication is at the heart of leadership and business. Enhance your presence and your ability to wield influence.

In Vermillion’s course you will learn strategies to achieve your goals and find success in all your communications.

“The course I did with Kate at London Business School on how to communicate more effectively was career-changing. I learnt how to improve my communication skills, developing them with techniques to deal with any type of situation or audience. I now feel I’m ready to approach any audience with much more confidence.”

— Roberto Aron, Itau’ BB Bank

Potential challenges:

✘ My voice doesn’t feel valued

✘ Other people take the glory for my ideas

✘ I struggle to be succinct in the moment

The Vermillion Approach:

✔ Techniques for charismatic delivery

✔ Toolkit for resilience and boldness

✔ Develop your impromptu speech

During your time with us, you'll explore cutting-edge techniques informed by the latest science, research and data. This includes honing active listening skills; mastering impromptu speaking; creating impactful first impressions and improving your professional magnetism. In other words, being your best self, whatever the pressure.

Our blog offers new ideas to support your learning, improving your public speaking, delivering powerful speeches, and excelling in your business communication.

Our course, aimed at both development and education, can be delivered to teams or on a 1:1 basis. It can take place face to face, in a central London location, or online, depending on your preference and view.

We are committed to meeting our clients’ accessibility requirements, online, so if you need a large print version of any of our material or an audio recording, do let us know.

If you’d like to find out more or have any questions, check out our FAQs, drop us an email or book a free intro call.

Vermillion are also pleased to partner with The English Manner, whom we recommend to anyone seeking further specialised training in etiquette and protocol. These can be incorporated as part of your course of sessions with Vermillion.


Interview Coaching